What is technology? How does technology impact our lives? What is the initial intention and purpose in developing new technologies, and media? What are the social and ethical impacts of our creations? 

Science and Technology Studies (STS) is a cross-disciplinary field posits that science and technology always exist in relation to and are co-created by broader social forces, political contexts, and histories. We will examine how knowledge, technology, and understandings of ourselves and “the other” are produced through complex relationships, histories, biases, and social constructs and contexts. 

Instead of asking whether scientific claims are true or false, objective or subjective, this course will examine the power and potential of innovative technologies, knowledge production within our broader socio-political conditions so that we might better understand the complexity, challenges, implications of our inter-actions. This course will focus on building students' knowledge, skills, and capacity for curiosity, inquiry, and critical evaluation in their respective disciplines so that they might apply these learnings to their field and practices.