SCOL 270/01 (Fall/Winter, 2023/2024): HIST PHIL & SOC ASPECTS-SCI

SCOL 350/02 & LOYC 398/04 (Winter 2024): CURRENT ISSUES PHYSICAL SCIENCE: Health, Sustainability and Society

SCOL 350 & LOYC 398 

Urban Soundscapes

Winter 2023, F 11:45AM - 2:30PM

Dr. Karen Fisher Favret


This course aims to provide students with an opportunity to explore how soundscapes in urban communities both reflect and affect the connection between green spaces and local residents.  The central project is designed to be inherently multidisciplinary, taking advantage of prior knowledge and experiences of class members as well as leading to new insights.  Each student will be part of a group assigned to investigate a particular neighborhood bordering the geographic feature of the Falaise St. Jacques, a portion of which is slated to become part of the 5th Grand Parc of Montreal.  This green space and wildlife corridor has been in transition for many years, variously used as a dump site for businesses at the top, skate-board park, nature refuge, dog-walking site, bike path and summer camp destination.

Each student will also be part of a “specialization” group, based on their major, investigating scientific literature and other resources and distilling the most relevant information for their geographic project group.   Finally, each student will create a 2 minute podcast centered around their experience of the soundscape around them during the full solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 at 15h26.  

Learning objectives:

·      To characterize the urban soundscape and sound sources in relation to urban green space access

·      To quantitatively assess Biophony, Geophony and Anthrophony in different neighbourhoods and whether it is regarded as a resource or an annoyance

·      To participate in a global citizen science initiative assessing the impact of a total eclipse on soundscapes

·      To create effective Information Media (infographic, podcast, mini-documentary) to educate the public

For more information or to register, contact: